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7 Wonders: Duel – Pantheon

A board game by Antoine Bauza Bruno Cathala
Publisher: Repos Production
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7 Wonders: Duel – Pantheon
Available in an external warehouse.
Shipping in about 10/15 days
Retail price: 24,99€ 22,49€
IT 4,49€
bundle con bustine Bundle with sleeves
Cards in the game:
  • 5 cards (44.0mmx68.0mm) [suggested by ichiruishu]
  • 3 cards (65.0mmx100.0mm) [suggested by ichiruishu]
  • 16 cards (61.0mmx110.0mm) [suggested by ichiruishu]
STANDARD sleeves bundle 10% discount SUPERIOR sleeves bundle 10% discount PREMIUM sleeves bundle 10% discount
Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
5 cards of 44.0mm width and 68.0mm of height
1x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (MDG7080)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (MDG7035)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Euro Small (44 x 68 mm)
Few copies
1x (50 Pcs) 50 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Mini Euro Size (44x68 mm) (82661)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Mini Euro (45 x 68 mm) (Azure)
To Order
1x (50 Pcs) edizioni: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-7080)
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-7035)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Mini Euro Card Sleeves (45x68mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
1x (55 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Mini Euro Card Sleeves (45x68mm) 55 Pack 90 Microns
To Order
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-AZURE)
1x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-7080)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-AZURE)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-7035)
3 cards of 65.0mm width and 100.0mm of height
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) Size 1 (MDG7102)
Few copies
1x (80 Pcs) Mayday: 80 Bustine Premium Magnum Ultra-Fit per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) (MDG7106)
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Size Extra Large (65 x 100 mm) x Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders
1x (50 Pcs) 50 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders Special Size (65x100 mm) (82660)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) Size 1 Retro Blu (MDG7102L)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) Size 1 Retro Viola (MDG7102P)
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) Size 1 Retro Marrone (MDG7102B)
1x (50 Pcs) edizioni: 50 Bustine Premium Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm) (UPL-7106)
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm)  (UPL-7102)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Magnum 7 Wonders Card Sleeves (65x100mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
To Order
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm) (UPL-BRONZE)
1x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm) (HMN-7106)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm) (HMN-BRONZE)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm)  (HMN-7102)
16 cards of 61.0mm width and 110.0mm of height
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum Ultra-fit per Lost Cities (70 x 110 mm) Size 2 (MDG7103)
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum Platinum (61 x 112 mm) (MDG7113)
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (Fuchsia)
Few copies
1x (50 Pcs) edizioni: 50 Bustine Premium French Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (UPL-7143)
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Frech Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (UPL-7113)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings French Tarot Sleeves (61x112mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
To Order
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior French Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (UPL-FUCHSIA)
1x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium French Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (HMN-7143)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior French Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (HMN-FUCHSIA)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Frech Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (HMN-7113)
Description Description

A pantheon from several civilizations — including Greek, Egyptian, and Middle-Eastern — gets added to 7 Wonders: Duel in 7 Wonders: Duel – Pantheon, with each god having its own power to help you or hinder your opponent. During Age I you collect mythology tokens — which allow you to choose which deities have a place in the Pantheon — and offering tokens, which help you court those deities. Then, during Ages II and III, you can activate a god or goddess in the Pantheon instead of taking a card from the pyramid. To do so, you pay whatever that god or goddess demands from you in offerings, then place it next to your city. With Isis on your side, you can use a card from the discard pile to construct one of your Wonders for free. Zeus, whose nod determines what happens and what does not, enables you to discard any single card from the pyramid that you want as well as any mythology or offering tokens on it. The Phoenician goddess Tanit, whose people were renowned for trade, fills your coffers with twelve pieces of gold. Enki, the Sumerian god of crafts, technology, and creation, lets you choose one of two progress tokens. Minerva's ability to keep the conflict pawn from entering your territory may not instantly bring you victory, but it can save you from military defeat. What's more, instead of adding three guild cards to the deck for Age III, you add three of five Grand Temples. Each Grand Temple belongs to a different Mediterranean culture, and if you have the favor of a god or goddess from that culture, you can build the temple for free. For example, having Isis by your side enables you to build the Egyptian temple; with Enki, you can build the Mesopotamian one. These temples are worth 5, 12, or 21 points depending on how many you build. 7 Wonders: Duel – Pantheon also includes two new Wonders: the Sanctuary (which for the cost of 2 coins lets you reverse turn order) and the Divine Theater (which grants points and easier access to the gods).

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Card Drafting Set Collection
Categories: Historical Card Games City Building Civilization
Alternative names: 7 Csoda Párbaj: Panteon 7 Cudów Świata: Pojedynek – Panteon 7 Divů Světa: Duel – Panteon 7 Wonders Duel: Panteão 7 Wonders Duel: Pantheon 7 Чудес Дуэль: Пантеон 7 원더스 대결 확장: 판테온 七大奇蹟 對決:帕特農 七大奇迹:对决万神殿
BARCODE: 5425016921005
The item is in 2 carts In 4 wishlists In 9 collections This was seen 11010 times
bundle con bustine Bundle with sleeves
Cards in the game:
  • 5 cards (44.0mmx68.0mm) [suggested by ichiruishu]
  • 3 cards (65.0mmx100.0mm) [suggested by ichiruishu]
  • 16 cards (61.0mmx110.0mm) [suggested by ichiruishu]
STANDARD sleeves bundle 10% discount SUPERIOR sleeves bundle 10% discount PREMIUM sleeves bundle 10% discount
Description Description

A pantheon from several civilizations — including Greek, Egyptian, and Middle-Eastern — gets added to 7 Wonders: Duel in 7 Wonders: Duel – Pantheon, with each god having its own power to help you or hinder your opponent. During Age I you collect mythology tokens — which allow you to choose which deities have a place in the Pantheon — and offering tokens, which help you court those deities. Then, during Ages II and III, you can activate a god or goddess in the Pantheon instead of taking a card from the pyramid. To do so, you pay whatever that god or goddess demands from you in offerings, then place it next to your city. With Isis on your side, you can use a card from the discard pile to construct one of your Wonders for free. Zeus, whose nod determines what happens and what does not, enables you to discard any single card from the pyramid that you want as well as any mythology or offering tokens on it. The Phoenician goddess Tanit, whose people were renowned for trade, fills your coffers with twelve pieces of gold. Enki, the Sumerian god of crafts, technology, and creation, lets you choose one of two progress tokens. Minerva's ability to keep the conflict pawn from entering your territory may not instantly bring you victory, but it can save you from military defeat. What's more, instead of adding three guild cards to the deck for Age III, you add three of five Grand Temples. Each Grand Temple belongs to a different Mediterranean culture, and if you have the favor of a god or goddess from that culture, you can build the temple for free. For example, having Isis by your side enables you to build the Egyptian temple; with Enki, you can build the Mesopotamian one. These temples are worth 5, 12, or 21 points depending on how many you build. 7 Wonders: Duel – Pantheon also includes two new Wonders: the Sanctuary (which for the cost of 2 coins lets you reverse turn order) and the Divine Theater (which grants points and easier access to the gods).

Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
5 cards of 44.0mm width and 68.0mm of height
1x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (MDG7080)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (MDG7035)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Euro Small (44 x 68 mm)
Few copies
1x (50 Pcs) 50 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Mini Euro Size (44x68 mm) (82661)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Mini Euro (45 x 68 mm) (Azure)
To Order
1x (50 Pcs) edizioni: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-7080)
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-7035)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Mini Euro Card Sleeves (45x68mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
1x (55 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Mini Euro Card Sleeves (45x68mm) 55 Pack 90 Microns
To Order
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-AZURE)
1x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-7080)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-AZURE)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-7035)
3 cards of 65.0mm width and 100.0mm of height
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) Size 1 (MDG7102)
Few copies
1x (80 Pcs) Mayday: 80 Bustine Premium Magnum Ultra-Fit per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) (MDG7106)
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Size Extra Large (65 x 100 mm) x Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders
1x (50 Pcs) 50 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders Special Size (65x100 mm) (82660)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) Size 1 Retro Blu (MDG7102L)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) Size 1 Retro Viola (MDG7102P)
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum per Sit Gloria Romae e 7 Wonders (65 x 100 mm) Size 1 Retro Marrone (MDG7102B)
1x (50 Pcs) edizioni: 50 Bustine Premium Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm) (UPL-7106)
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm)  (UPL-7102)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Magnum 7 Wonders Card Sleeves (65x100mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
To Order
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm) (UPL-BRONZE)
1x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm) (HMN-7106)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm) (HMN-BRONZE)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Magnum 7 (65 x 100 mm)  (HMN-7102)
16 cards of 61.0mm width and 110.0mm of height
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum Ultra-fit per Lost Cities (70 x 110 mm) Size 2 (MDG7103)
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Magnum Platinum (61 x 112 mm) (MDG7113)
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (Fuchsia)
Few copies
1x (50 Pcs) edizioni: 50 Bustine Premium French Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (UPL-7143)
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Frech Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (UPL-7113)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings French Tarot Sleeves (61x112mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
To Order
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior French Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (UPL-FUCHSIA)
1x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium French Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (HMN-7143)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior French Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (HMN-FUCHSIA)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Frech Tarot (61 x 112 mm) (HMN-7113)
Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Card Drafting Set Collection
Categories: Historical Card Games City Building Civilization
Alternative names: 7 Csoda Párbaj: Panteon 7 Cudów Świata: Pojedynek – Panteon 7 Divů Světa: Duel – Panteon 7 Wonders Duel: Panteão 7 Wonders Duel: Pantheon 7 Чудес Дуэль: Пантеон 7 원더스 대결 확장: 판테온 七大奇蹟 對決:帕特農 七大奇迹:对决万神殿
BARCODE: 5425016921005
The item is in 2 carts In 4 wishlists In 9 collections This was seen 11010 times
Frequently bought together Frequently bought together
Other versions Other versions