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Android: Netrunner – Martial Law

A board game by Richard Garfield Lukas Litzsinger Damon Stone
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
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Android: Netrunner – Martial Law
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Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
60 cards of 63.5mm width and 88.0mm of height
2x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard (63,5 x 88 mm) (MDG7077)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (MDG7041)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Standard Size (63 x 88 mm)
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Standard Pro-Fit (64x89 mm) (82712)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Stardard (63.5 x 88 mm) (Green)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-7041)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Card Game Card Sleeves (63.5x88mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-GREEN)
2x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7077)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-GREEN)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7041)
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Perfect size (63.5 x 88 mm) (DarkGreen)
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Description Description

Description from the publisher: Martial Law is the fifth and penultimate Data Pack in the Flashpoint Cycle for Android: Netrunner, and it advances our understanding of how deeply New Angeles has plunged into chaos. Its citizens are trapped in their arcologies or huddled together in whatever safe places they can find. The city's streets have become a warzone. The corps can't or won't restore order. The time has come for the U.S. government to intervene. Shock and awe are the order of the day in Martial Law. Starting with two new neutral currents, one each for Runner and Corp, the expansion's sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) are going to bring a new order to the world's largest city—one way or another. But when this new order is established, who will be viewed as the winners? And what will they have gained?

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Action Point Allowance System Hand Management Secret Unit Deployment Variable Player Powers
Categories: Bluffing Card Games Expansion for base-game Science Fiction
Alternative names: Android: Netrunner - Ley Marcial Android: Netrunner - Loi Martiale Android: Netrunner – Kriegsrecht Android: Netrunner – Ley Marcial Android: Netrunner – Loi Martiale Android: Netrunner – Martial Law
BARCODE: 841333101022
In 3 wishlists In 1 collection This was seen 8408 times
Description Description

Description from the publisher: Martial Law is the fifth and penultimate Data Pack in the Flashpoint Cycle for Android: Netrunner, and it advances our understanding of how deeply New Angeles has plunged into chaos. Its citizens are trapped in their arcologies or huddled together in whatever safe places they can find. The city's streets have become a warzone. The corps can't or won't restore order. The time has come for the U.S. government to intervene. Shock and awe are the order of the day in Martial Law. Starting with two new neutral currents, one each for Runner and Corp, the expansion's sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) are going to bring a new order to the world's largest city—one way or another. But when this new order is established, who will be viewed as the winners? And what will they have gained?

Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
60 cards of 63.5mm width and 88.0mm of height
2x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard (63,5 x 88 mm) (MDG7077)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (MDG7041)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Standard Size (63 x 88 mm)
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Standard Pro-Fit (64x89 mm) (82712)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Stardard (63.5 x 88 mm) (Green)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-7041)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Card Game Card Sleeves (63.5x88mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-GREEN)
2x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7077)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-GREEN)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7041)
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Perfect size (63.5 x 88 mm) (DarkGreen)
To Order
Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Action Point Allowance System Hand Management Secret Unit Deployment Variable Player Powers
Categories: Bluffing Card Games Expansion for base-game Science Fiction
Alternative names: Android: Netrunner - Ley Marcial Android: Netrunner - Loi Martiale Android: Netrunner – Kriegsrecht Android: Netrunner – Ley Marcial Android: Netrunner – Loi Martiale Android: Netrunner – Martial Law
BARCODE: 841333101022
In 3 wishlists In 1 collection This was seen 8408 times