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Carcassonne: Bazar, Ponti e Castelli

A board game by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede
Publisher: Giochi Uniti
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Carcassonne: Bazar, Ponti e Castelli
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IT 4,49€
Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
12 cards of 46.0mm width and 46.0mm of height
There are no available sleeves matching this card size
Description Description

The eighth expansion for Carcassonne, Brücken, Burgen und Basare (English: Bridges, Castles & Bazaars) allows players three new options while playing: Bridges may be used to continue a road over a field tile, thereby allowing an incomplete road to technically run into a field segment. They are otherwise treated and scored just like roads. Castle tokens are placed atop 2-segment cities and allow players a chance to cash-in on the next completed adjacent feature. Bazaars are a new type of tile that allows players to auction off tiles in exchange for points. Part of the Carcassonne series.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Auction/Bidding Tile Placement
Categories: City Building Expansion for base-game Medieval Exploration
Alternative names: Carcassonne: 8. Erweiterung – Brücken, Burgen und Basare Carcassonne: Basaarit ja Bastionit Carcassonne: Bazar, Ponti e Castelli Carcassonne: Bazars, ponts et forteresses Carcassonne: Bridges, Castles and Bazars Carcassonne: Bruggen, Burchten en Bazaars Carcassonne: Die 8. Erweiterung – Brücken, Burgen und Basare Carcassonne: Expansion 8 – Bridges, Castles and Bazaars Carcassonne: Extensia 8 – Poduri, cetăți şi bazaruri Carcassonne: Extension 8 – Ponts, Forteresses & Bazars Carcassonne: Mercados y Puentes Carcassonne: Mosty a hrady Carcassonne: Mosty, Zamki i Bazary Carcassonne: Uitbreiding 8 – Bruggen, Burchten & Bazaars Carcassonne: Várak, hidak, vásárok Каркасон: Мостове, замъци, пазари Каркассон: Мосты, замки и базары 卡卡頌2.0 橋樑、山城與市集擴充 카르카손: 다리, 궁전, 시장
BARCODE: 8058773208019
The item is in 2 carts In 3 wishlists This was seen 4988 times
Description Description

The eighth expansion for Carcassonne, Brücken, Burgen und Basare (English: Bridges, Castles & Bazaars) allows players three new options while playing: Bridges may be used to continue a road over a field tile, thereby allowing an incomplete road to technically run into a field segment. They are otherwise treated and scored just like roads. Castle tokens are placed atop 2-segment cities and allow players a chance to cash-in on the next completed adjacent feature. Bazaars are a new type of tile that allows players to auction off tiles in exchange for points. Part of the Carcassonne series.

Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
12 cards of 46.0mm width and 46.0mm of height
There are no available sleeves matching this card size
Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Auction/Bidding Tile Placement
Categories: City Building Expansion for base-game Medieval Exploration
Alternative names: Carcassonne: 8. Erweiterung – Brücken, Burgen und Basare Carcassonne: Basaarit ja Bastionit Carcassonne: Bazar, Ponti e Castelli Carcassonne: Bazars, ponts et forteresses Carcassonne: Bridges, Castles and Bazars Carcassonne: Bruggen, Burchten en Bazaars Carcassonne: Die 8. Erweiterung – Brücken, Burgen und Basare Carcassonne: Expansion 8 – Bridges, Castles and Bazaars Carcassonne: Extensia 8 – Poduri, cetăți şi bazaruri Carcassonne: Extension 8 – Ponts, Forteresses & Bazars Carcassonne: Mercados y Puentes Carcassonne: Mosty a hrady Carcassonne: Mosty, Zamki i Bazary Carcassonne: Uitbreiding 8 – Bruggen, Burchten & Bazaars Carcassonne: Várak, hidak, vásárok Каркасон: Мостове, замъци, пазари Каркассон: Мосты, замки и базары 卡卡頌2.0 橋樑、山城與市集擴充 카르카손: 다리, 궁전, 시장
BARCODE: 8058773208019
The item is in 2 carts In 3 wishlists This was seen 4988 times
Frequently bought together Frequently bought together