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Deckscape: Dietro il Sipario

A board game by Martino Chiacchiera Silvano Sorrentino
Publisher: dV Giochi
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Deckscape: Dietro il Sipario
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Sale Price

IT 4,49€
Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
60 cards of 87.5mm width and 112.5mm of height
There are no available sleeves matching this card size
Description Description

Deckscape: Behind the Curtain is the fifth title in a series of cooperative games inspired by real escape rooms in which a group of people is "trapped" inside a room full of puzzles and odd items. The goal of the game is to solve puzzles, understand the plot of the story, and make intelligent use of the items provided in order to exit from the room as quickly as possible.

Additional information Additional information
Categories: Card Games Puzzle Real-time
Alternative names: Cărți Escape: În spatele cortinei Decksape: Derrière le Rideau Deckscape: Behind the Curtain Deckscape: Derrière le Rideau Deckscape: Dietro il Sipario Deckscape: Hinter dem Vorhang Escapa: Detrás del Telón Escape Room: Magiczna sztuczka Pocket Escape Room: Achter het Gordijn Szabadulópakli: A függöny mögött Únikovka: Za oponou ¡Escapa! Tras el telón КвестМастер: За кулисами
BARCODE: 9788894957037
The item is in 1 cart In 15 wishlists In 10 collections This was seen 6569 times
Description Description

Deckscape: Behind the Curtain is the fifth title in a series of cooperative games inspired by real escape rooms in which a group of people is "trapped" inside a room full of puzzles and odd items. The goal of the game is to solve puzzles, understand the plot of the story, and make intelligent use of the items provided in order to exit from the room as quickly as possible.

Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
60 cards of 87.5mm width and 112.5mm of height
There are no available sleeves matching this card size
Additional information Additional information
Categories: Card Games Puzzle Real-time
Alternative names: Cărți Escape: În spatele cortinei Decksape: Derrière le Rideau Deckscape: Behind the Curtain Deckscape: Derrière le Rideau Deckscape: Dietro il Sipario Deckscape: Hinter dem Vorhang Escapa: Detrás del Telón Escape Room: Magiczna sztuczka Pocket Escape Room: Achter het Gordijn Szabadulópakli: A függöny mögött Únikovka: Za oponou ¡Escapa! Tras el telón КвестМастер: За кулисами
BARCODE: 9788894957037
The item is in 1 cart In 15 wishlists In 10 collections This was seen 6569 times
Frequently bought together Frequently bought together
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