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Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium

A board game by Jacob Fryxelius
Publisher: Ghenos Games
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Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium
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IT 4,49€
Description Description

Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium, the first expansion for Terraforming Mars, consists of a double-sided game board presenting two new areas of Mars: • Elysium takes players almost to the opposite side of Mars' equator, with vast lowlands for oceans in the north and a dry, mineral-rich south. Place a tile on Olympus Mons, the highest peak in the solar system, to gain three free cards! • Hellas, the southern wild, includes Mars' south pole and the enormous seven-hex Hellas crater that just begs to become a giant lake. Building around the pole gives you new placement bonuses in the form of heat and possibly even water. Each of these maps consists of new sets of milestones and awards with relevance for that particular map. Place three tiles around the south pole to be a Polar Explorer, for example, or race to have the most estates beside water on Elysium!

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Categories: Expansion for base-game
Alternative names: A Mars Terraformálása: Hellas & Elysium Mars: Teraformace – Hellas & Elysium Teraformiranje Marsa: Helas i Elisijum Terraformacja Marsa: Hellas i Elysium Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium Покорение Марса. Эллада и Элизий Тераформування Марса: Еллада та Елізій ภาคเสริมพลิกภิภพดาวอังคาร: เฮลลาส & เอลิเซียม テラフォーミング・マーズ拡張 ヘラス&エリシウム 重塑火星:希臘與埃律西昂 테라포밍 마스 확장: 헬라스 앤 엘리시움
BARCODE: 8033609530731
The item is in 5 carts In 29 wishlists In 30 collections This was seen 12516 times
Description Description

Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium, the first expansion for Terraforming Mars, consists of a double-sided game board presenting two new areas of Mars: • Elysium takes players almost to the opposite side of Mars' equator, with vast lowlands for oceans in the north and a dry, mineral-rich south. Place a tile on Olympus Mons, the highest peak in the solar system, to gain three free cards! • Hellas, the southern wild, includes Mars' south pole and the enormous seven-hex Hellas crater that just begs to become a giant lake. Building around the pole gives you new placement bonuses in the form of heat and possibly even water. Each of these maps consists of new sets of milestones and awards with relevance for that particular map. Place three tiles around the south pole to be a Polar Explorer, for example, or race to have the most estates beside water on Elysium!

Additional information Additional information
Categories: Expansion for base-game
Alternative names: A Mars Terraformálása: Hellas & Elysium Mars: Teraformace – Hellas & Elysium Teraformiranje Marsa: Helas i Elisijum Terraformacja Marsa: Hellas i Elysium Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium Покорение Марса. Эллада и Элизий Тераформування Марса: Еллада та Елізій ภาคเสริมพลิกภิภพดาวอังคาร: เฮลลาส & เอลิเซียม テラフォーミング・マーズ拡張 ヘラス&エリシウム 重塑火星:希臘與埃律西昂 테라포밍 마스 확장: 헬라스 앤 엘리시움
BARCODE: 8033609530731
The item is in 5 carts In 29 wishlists In 30 collections This was seen 12516 times
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