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A Game of Thrones: The Card Game – The Banners Gather

A board game by Nate French
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
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A Game of Thrones: The Card Game – The Banners Gather
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Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
60 cards of 63.5mm width and 88.0mm of height
2x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard (63,5 x 88 mm) (MDG7077)
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1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (MDG7041)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Standard Size (63 x 88 mm)
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Standard Pro-Fit (64x89 mm) (82712)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Stardard (63.5 x 88 mm) (Green)
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1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-7041)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Card Game Card Sleeves (63.5x88mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-GREEN)
2x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7077)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-GREEN)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7041)
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Perfect size (63.5 x 88 mm) (DarkGreen)
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Game description from the publisher: "When the day comes that you raise your banners, half of Westeros will be with you," Whitebeard promised. "Your brother Rhaegar is still remembered, with great love." –George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords After two cycles of Chapter Packs that carried A Game of Thrones players far from the shores of Westeros, The Banners Gather and the "Kingsroad" cycle mark a return to the Seven Kingdoms, its Great Houses, their lords, their banners, and their traditional strengths. This is a return to both the game's classic fantasy themes and to several of its established mechanisms. In this Chapter Pack's sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty individual cards), the Lannisters flaunt their wealth, the Greyjoys seize control of rival locations, and the Targaryens march forward with their attachments and Dragons. Likewise, the Baratheons, Starks, and Martells gain new Strongholds, Tactics, and tricks. Of course, no House is strong when cut off from its supporters, and The Banners Gather takes a look at the many Bannerman characters who swear their fealty and service to their liege lords. Players will find several new characters with the Bannerman trait, all of whom bring powerful new abilities to their Houses and enable new synergies with the game's older Bannerman cards.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Card Drafting Hand Management
Categories: Card Games Expansion for base-game Fantasy Fighting Medieval Political/Negotiation Themed
Alternative names: A Game of Thrones: The Card Game – The Banners Gather Der Eiserne Thron: Das Kartenspiel – Die Banner sammeln sich Il Trono di Spade: Gioco di Carte – Riunire i Vessilli Juego de Tronos: El Juego de Cartas – Reunión de Estandartes Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Cartes – Les Bannières se Rassemblent
This was seen 1523 times
Description Description

Game description from the publisher: "When the day comes that you raise your banners, half of Westeros will be with you," Whitebeard promised. "Your brother Rhaegar is still remembered, with great love." –George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords After two cycles of Chapter Packs that carried A Game of Thrones players far from the shores of Westeros, The Banners Gather and the "Kingsroad" cycle mark a return to the Seven Kingdoms, its Great Houses, their lords, their banners, and their traditional strengths. This is a return to both the game's classic fantasy themes and to several of its established mechanisms. In this Chapter Pack's sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty individual cards), the Lannisters flaunt their wealth, the Greyjoys seize control of rival locations, and the Targaryens march forward with their attachments and Dragons. Likewise, the Baratheons, Starks, and Martells gain new Strongholds, Tactics, and tricks. Of course, no House is strong when cut off from its supporters, and The Banners Gather takes a look at the many Bannerman characters who swear their fealty and service to their liege lords. Players will find several new characters with the Bannerman trait, all of whom bring powerful new abilities to their Houses and enable new synergies with the game's older Bannerman cards.

Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
60 cards of 63.5mm width and 88.0mm of height
2x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard (63,5 x 88 mm) (MDG7077)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (MDG7041)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Standard Size (63 x 88 mm)
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Standard Pro-Fit (64x89 mm) (82712)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Stardard (63.5 x 88 mm) (Green)
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1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-7041)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Card Game Card Sleeves (63.5x88mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-GREEN)
2x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7077)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-GREEN)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7041)
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Perfect size (63.5 x 88 mm) (DarkGreen)
To Order
Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Card Drafting Hand Management
Categories: Card Games Expansion for base-game Fantasy Fighting Medieval Political/Negotiation Themed
Alternative names: A Game of Thrones: The Card Game – The Banners Gather Der Eiserne Thron: Das Kartenspiel – Die Banner sammeln sich Il Trono di Spade: Gioco di Carte – Riunire i Vessilli Juego de Tronos: El Juego de Cartas – Reunión de Estandartes Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Cartes – Les Bannières se Rassemblent
This was seen 1523 times
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