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A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) – House of Thorns

A board game by
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
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A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) – House of Thorns
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Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
156 cards of 63.5mm width and 88.0mm of height
4x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard (63,5 x 88 mm) (MDG7077)
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2x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (MDG7041)
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2x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Standard Size (63 x 88 mm)
2x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Standard Pro-Fit (64x89 mm) (82712)
Few copies
2x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Stardard (63.5 x 88 mm) (Green)
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2x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-7041)
2x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Card Game Card Sleeves (63.5x88mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
3x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-GREEN)
4x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7077)
3x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-GREEN)
2x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7041)
2x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Perfect size (63.5 x 88 mm) (DarkGreen)
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Description Description

House Tyrell surges into the light with House of Thorns, a new deluxe expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Within this box, you'll find a wealth of new cards, bringing powerful new options to support and diversify House Tyrell's most important themes, alongside iconic characters sworn to House Tyrell, including Mace Tyrell, the Queen of Thorns, Margaery Tyrell, and the Knight of Flowers. Though House Tyrell receives the bulk of the cards in this expansion, you'll also find new non-loyal cards for each of the seven other factions and new options for any deck with seven new plots (one loyal to House Tyrell and six neutral). —description from the publisher

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Card Drafting Hand Management Simultaneous Action Selection Variable Player Powers
Categories: Card Games Expansion for base-game Fantasy Fighting Medieval Political/Negotiation Themed
Alternative names: A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) – House of Thorns Game of Thrones Kartenspiel: Der Eiserne Thron (zweite Ausgabe) – Haus der Dornen Gra o Tron: Gra karciana (Druga edycja) – Ród Cierni Hra o trůny: Karetní hra (druhá edice) – Dvůr trnů Il Trono di Spade: il Gioco di Carte (Seconda edizione) – Spine d'Acciaio Il Trono di Spade: il Gioco di Carte (Seconda edizione) – Spine d’Acciaio Le Trône de Fer: Le jeu de cartes (Seconde édition) – La Maison des épines
This was seen 1869 times
Description Description

House Tyrell surges into the light with House of Thorns, a new deluxe expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Within this box, you'll find a wealth of new cards, bringing powerful new options to support and diversify House Tyrell's most important themes, alongside iconic characters sworn to House Tyrell, including Mace Tyrell, the Queen of Thorns, Margaery Tyrell, and the Knight of Flowers. Though House Tyrell receives the bulk of the cards in this expansion, you'll also find new non-loyal cards for each of the seven other factions and new options for any deck with seven new plots (one loyal to House Tyrell and six neutral). —description from the publisher

Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
156 cards of 63.5mm width and 88.0mm of height
4x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard (63,5 x 88 mm) (MDG7077)
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2x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (MDG7041)
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2x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Standard Size (63 x 88 mm)
2x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Standard Pro-Fit (64x89 mm) (82712)
Few copies
2x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Stardard (63.5 x 88 mm) (Green)
To Order
2x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-7041)
2x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Card Game Card Sleeves (63.5x88mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
3x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-GREEN)
4x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7077)
3x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-GREEN)
2x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7041)
2x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Perfect size (63.5 x 88 mm) (DarkGreen)
To Order
Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Card Drafting Hand Management Simultaneous Action Selection Variable Player Powers
Categories: Card Games Expansion for base-game Fantasy Fighting Medieval Political/Negotiation Themed
Alternative names: A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) – House of Thorns Game of Thrones Kartenspiel: Der Eiserne Thron (zweite Ausgabe) – Haus der Dornen Gra o Tron: Gra karciana (Druga edycja) – Ród Cierni Hra o trůny: Karetní hra (druhá edice) – Dvůr trnů Il Trono di Spade: il Gioco di Carte (Seconda edizione) – Spine d'Acciaio Il Trono di Spade: il Gioco di Carte (Seconda edizione) – Spine d’Acciaio Le Trône de Fer: Le jeu de cartes (Seconde édition) – La Maison des épines
This was seen 1869 times