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Anima Tactics - Agente Imperiale

A board game by (Uncredited)
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
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Anima Tactics - Agente Imperiale
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Publisher Blurb: Member of the prestigious Testarossa dynasty, one the most influential noble houses of Argos, the rebellious and stubborn Alis was always the source of problems for all her family because of her impetuous behaviour. When she was thirteen Alis began to manifest supernatural talents. Her parents, fearful of Alis bringing shame to the family, used their influence to send her to the church. There, Alis developed her skills under the supervision of the Knights of the Saint Order. When she was only 21 obtained the title of High Captain in recognition of her extraordinary abilities. Thanks to her control over energy and her capability to manifest wings of light and soar upon the skies, she has become a legend of the Knights of the Saint Order, and some see her as a angel sent by heaven. Warrior - Church - Level 40 Wings of Light: If Alis sacrifices 3 LP during the Maintenance Phase, she obtains the Flying skill during the rest of the turn. Valkyrie (Ki, Charte) - +2 Attack / +2 Damage Alis must be Flying. Aegis' Wind (Ki, Movement, Escape) - Alis automatically escapes Hand-to-Hand combat and may move up to 12 inches. This does not count as movement for the current turn. She may not engage in hand-to-hand combat using this movement action. Alis must be Flying. Aegis (Ki, Attack) - +2 Attack / +2 Damage. If the attack causes damage, retire all Positive States from the enemy unit. Beyond the Winds (KI, Charge) - Retire Alis from the board. During her activation in the following turn, place her in contact with any enemy unit in game and complete the Charge. Alis returns to the board with 0 action points. Alis must be Flying in the moment she uses this skill. This pewter figure is unpainted and unassembled. Requires additional Anima Tactics figures to play.

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Mechanics: Action Point Allowance System Dice Rolling
Categories: Fantasy Fighting Miniatures
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This was seen 4080 times
Description Description

Publisher Blurb: Member of the prestigious Testarossa dynasty, one the most influential noble houses of Argos, the rebellious and stubborn Alis was always the source of problems for all her family because of her impetuous behaviour. When she was thirteen Alis began to manifest supernatural talents. Her parents, fearful of Alis bringing shame to the family, used their influence to send her to the church. There, Alis developed her skills under the supervision of the Knights of the Saint Order. When she was only 21 obtained the title of High Captain in recognition of her extraordinary abilities. Thanks to her control over energy and her capability to manifest wings of light and soar upon the skies, she has become a legend of the Knights of the Saint Order, and some see her as a angel sent by heaven. Warrior - Church - Level 40 Wings of Light: If Alis sacrifices 3 LP during the Maintenance Phase, she obtains the Flying skill during the rest of the turn. Valkyrie (Ki, Charte) - +2 Attack / +2 Damage Alis must be Flying. Aegis' Wind (Ki, Movement, Escape) - Alis automatically escapes Hand-to-Hand combat and may move up to 12 inches. This does not count as movement for the current turn. She may not engage in hand-to-hand combat using this movement action. Alis must be Flying. Aegis (Ki, Attack) - +2 Attack / +2 Damage. If the attack causes damage, retire all Positive States from the enemy unit. Beyond the Winds (KI, Charge) - Retire Alis from the board. During her activation in the following turn, place her in contact with any enemy unit in game and complete the Charge. Alis returns to the board with 0 action points. Alis must be Flying in the moment she uses this skill. This pewter figure is unpainted and unassembled. Requires additional Anima Tactics figures to play.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Action Point Allowance System Dice Rolling
Categories: Fantasy Fighting Miniatures
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This was seen 4080 times