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Dust Tactics: Grim Reapers

A board game by Paolo Parente Olivier Zamfirescu
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
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Dust Tactics: Grim Reapers
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Description Description

Game description from the publisher: When failure against Axis technology is not an option, Allied scientists are at their best. Seeking to bring forth the destruction of their enemies and provided with nearly unlimited resources, these scientists created the most modern of technologies: heavy combat armor and reactors. When a few volunteers were equipped with them, the Grim Reapers were born. Named for the death their touch promises, these Allied soldiers attack from above. With the Jump ability and a movement of two, the Grim Reapers can deploy and sweep across the battlefield to reach and destroy any Axis infantry and walkers. Players can also use their lightning speed together with Jump to fly over buildings, an advantage their Axis enemies have yet to access. The Grim Reapers are also equipped with dangerous weaponry: Victory MG duals and Rocket Punches. Use the Victory MG duals to deal damage from afar then fly in close and use their turbo-charged fists to K.O. the enemy.

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Mechanics: Action Point Allowance System Dice Rolling Modular Board
Categories: War Science Fiction War
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This was seen 4986 times
Description Description

Game description from the publisher: When failure against Axis technology is not an option, Allied scientists are at their best. Seeking to bring forth the destruction of their enemies and provided with nearly unlimited resources, these scientists created the most modern of technologies: heavy combat armor and reactors. When a few volunteers were equipped with them, the Grim Reapers were born. Named for the death their touch promises, these Allied soldiers attack from above. With the Jump ability and a movement of two, the Grim Reapers can deploy and sweep across the battlefield to reach and destroy any Axis infantry and walkers. Players can also use their lightning speed together with Jump to fly over buildings, an advantage their Axis enemies have yet to access. The Grim Reapers are also equipped with dangerous weaponry: Victory MG duals and Rocket Punches. Use the Victory MG duals to deal damage from afar then fly in close and use their turbo-charged fists to K.O. the enemy.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Action Point Allowance System Dice Rolling Modular Board
Categories: War Science Fiction War
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This was seen 4986 times