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It’s a Wonderful World: Corruzione & Ascesa

A board game by Frédéric Guérard
Publisher: Studio Supernova
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It’s a Wonderful World: Corruzione & Ascesa
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IT 4,49€
Description Description

This new deck of cards complement the existing cards of It’s a Wonderful World. From now on, each turn, you will play a mixture of classic Development cards and Ascension cards. Ascension cards introduce new ways to play, most notably through pair scoring and corruption. This new deck also allows you to play with up to 7 players.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Card Drafting Card Drafting
Categories: Card Games Civilization Expansion for base-game Science Fiction
Alternative names: Egy szép új világ: Romlottság & Megdicsőülés Eine wundervolle Welt: Aufstieg Eine wundervolle Welt: Korruption & Aufstieg It's a Wonderful World: Auge y Corrupción It's a Wonderful World: Corruption & Ascension It's a Wonderful World: Corruzione & Ascesa It's a Wonderful World: 荒廃と隆盛 Этот безумный мир: кризис и процветание 원더풀 월드: 부패와 진보
BARCODE: 8052870930293
The item is in 2 carts In 6 wishlists In 3 collections This was seen 4498 times
Description Description

This new deck of cards complement the existing cards of It’s a Wonderful World. From now on, each turn, you will play a mixture of classic Development cards and Ascension cards. Ascension cards introduce new ways to play, most notably through pair scoring and corruption. This new deck also allows you to play with up to 7 players.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Card Drafting Card Drafting
Categories: Card Games Civilization Expansion for base-game Science Fiction
Alternative names: Egy szép új világ: Romlottság & Megdicsőülés Eine wundervolle Welt: Aufstieg Eine wundervolle Welt: Korruption & Aufstieg It's a Wonderful World: Auge y Corrupción It's a Wonderful World: Corruption & Ascension It's a Wonderful World: Corruzione & Ascesa It's a Wonderful World: 荒廃と隆盛 Этот безумный мир: кризис и процветание 원더풀 월드: 부패와 진보
BARCODE: 8052870930293
The item is in 2 carts In 6 wishlists In 3 collections This was seen 4498 times
Frequently bought together Frequently bought together