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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Class Deck – Summoner

A board game by Chad Brown Tanis O'Connor Paul Peterson Keith Richmond Mike Selinker Liz Spain Gaby Weidling
Publisher: Paizo Publishing
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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Class Deck – Summoner
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Description Description

Beyond Space and Time! Bonded to a mysterious creature called an eidolon, the summoner’s true power lies in what he and his eidolon can accomplish together. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Summoner Class Deck allows Balazar and 2 other characters, including Alase Brinz-Widowknife from the Pathfinder Tales novel "King of Chaos," to explore the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. This 109-card accessory holds a bevy of new spells and other goodies to take your summoner through an entire Adventure Path. This deck can also be used in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play campaign.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Campaign/Battle Card Driven Dice Rolling Variable Player Powers
Categories: Adventure Card Games Expansion for base-game Fantasy Fighting
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 9781601258960
This was seen 1397 times
Description Description

Beyond Space and Time! Bonded to a mysterious creature called an eidolon, the summoner’s true power lies in what he and his eidolon can accomplish together. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Summoner Class Deck allows Balazar and 2 other characters, including Alase Brinz-Widowknife from the Pathfinder Tales novel "King of Chaos," to explore the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. This 109-card accessory holds a bevy of new spells and other goodies to take your summoner through an entire Adventure Path. This deck can also be used in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play campaign.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Campaign/Battle Card Driven Dice Rolling Variable Player Powers
Categories: Adventure Card Games Expansion for base-game Fantasy Fighting
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 9781601258960
This was seen 1397 times