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A board game by Gordon Calleja
Publisher: Mighty Box
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bundle con bustine Bundle with sleeves
Cards in the game:
  • 30 cards (63.5mmx88.0mm)
  • 334 cards (44.0mmx68.0mm)
STANDARD sleeves bundle 10% discount
Full price
SUPERIOR sleeves bundle 10% discount
Full price
PREMIUM sleeves bundle 10% discount
Full price
Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
30 cards of 63.5mm width and 88.0mm of height
1x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard (63,5 x 88 mm) (MDG7077)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (MDG7041)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Standard Size (63 x 88 mm)
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Standard Pro-Fit (64x89 mm) (82712)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Stardard (63.5 x 88 mm) (Green)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-7041)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Card Game Card Sleeves (63.5x88mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-GREEN)
1x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7077)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-GREEN)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7041)
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Perfect size (63.5 x 88 mm) (DarkGreen)
To Order
334 cards of 44.0mm width and 68.0mm of height
7x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (MDG7080)
To Order
4x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (MDG7035)
To Order
4x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Euro Small (44 x 68 mm)
To Order
7x (50 Pcs) 50 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Mini Euro Size (44x68 mm) (82661)
To Order
4x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Mini Euro (45 x 68 mm) (Azure)
To Order
7x (50 Pcs) edizioni: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-7080)
4x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-7035)
4x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Mini Euro Card Sleeves (45x68mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
7x (55 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Mini Euro Card Sleeves (45x68mm) 55 Pack 90 Microns
To Order
5x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-AZURE)
7x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-7080)
5x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-AZURE)
4x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-7035)
Description Description

Our aspiration to omnipotence has led to the enhancement of our capacities so far beyond our species' limits that we created our genetic successors. Inevitably, the evolved reached their first realization as a unified entity: the extinction of humanity as we know it.

Posthuman pits you as one of the last human survivors in a world where nature is reclaiming the planet and our evolved offspring are working to eradicate us. Will you resist mutation and survive, or give in to the inevitable and join the evolved?

In the game, players are humans on a solitary journey to a promised safe house. This journey takes them through ten zones, with the zones being tile-based and randomly generated. As they travel, they encounter each other, other humans, and posthuman mutants. Encounters with mutants may inflict scars, and the more scars players have, the less human they are and the more posthuman they become. Will they strive to cling to their humanity and make a run for the safe house, winning the game? Or will they give in to the ever more tempting mutation, join the posthuman, and deny the win from the rest of the humans?

Notre aspiration à l'omnipotence nous a conduit à l'amélioration de nos capacités bien au-delà des limites de notre espèce : nous avons créé nos successeurs génétiques. Inévitablement, les évolués sont parvenus à leur première réalisation en tant qu'entité unifiée : l'extinction de l'humanité telle que nous la connaissons.

Posthuman fait de vous l'un des derniers survivants humains dans un monde où la nature reprend ses droits & notre progéniture évoluée tente de nous éradiquer. Allez-vous résister à la mutation & survivre, ou céder à l'inévitable & rejoindre les évolués ?

Dans ce jeu, les joueurs sont des humains en voyage solitaire vers une terre promise. Ce voyage les fait traverser 10 zones à base de tuiles posées de manière aléatoire. Au cours de leur voyage, ils peuvent se croiser, rencontrer d'autres humains & des mutants "post-humains". Les rencontres avec des mutants peuvent laisser des cicatrices, & plus ils sont infectés, moins ils sont humains & plus ils deviennent post-humains. Vont-ils chercher à s'accrocher à leur humanité & courir vers la forteresse, pour gagner la partie ? Ou vont-ils céder à la mutation de plus en plus tentante, rejoindre les post-humains, et être victorieux sur le reste des humains ?

Additional information Additional information
Categories: Adventure Dice Exploration Fighting
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 609456648714
In 9 wishlists In 5 collections This was seen 8042 times
bundle con bustine Bundle with sleeves
Cards in the game:
  • 30 cards (63.5mmx88.0mm)
  • 334 cards (44.0mmx68.0mm)
STANDARD sleeves bundle 10% discount
Full price
SUPERIOR sleeves bundle 10% discount
Full price
PREMIUM sleeves bundle 10% discount
Full price
Description Description

Our aspiration to omnipotence has led to the enhancement of our capacities so far beyond our species' limits that we created our genetic successors. Inevitably, the evolved reached their first realization as a unified entity: the extinction of humanity as we know it.

Posthuman pits you as one of the last human survivors in a world where nature is reclaiming the planet and our evolved offspring are working to eradicate us. Will you resist mutation and survive, or give in to the inevitable and join the evolved?

In the game, players are humans on a solitary journey to a promised safe house. This journey takes them through ten zones, with the zones being tile-based and randomly generated. As they travel, they encounter each other, other humans, and posthuman mutants. Encounters with mutants may inflict scars, and the more scars players have, the less human they are and the more posthuman they become. Will they strive to cling to their humanity and make a run for the safe house, winning the game? Or will they give in to the ever more tempting mutation, join the posthuman, and deny the win from the rest of the humans?

Notre aspiration à l'omnipotence nous a conduit à l'amélioration de nos capacités bien au-delà des limites de notre espèce : nous avons créé nos successeurs génétiques. Inévitablement, les évolués sont parvenus à leur première réalisation en tant qu'entité unifiée : l'extinction de l'humanité telle que nous la connaissons.

Posthuman fait de vous l'un des derniers survivants humains dans un monde où la nature reprend ses droits & notre progéniture évoluée tente de nous éradiquer. Allez-vous résister à la mutation & survivre, ou céder à l'inévitable & rejoindre les évolués ?

Dans ce jeu, les joueurs sont des humains en voyage solitaire vers une terre promise. Ce voyage les fait traverser 10 zones à base de tuiles posées de manière aléatoire. Au cours de leur voyage, ils peuvent se croiser, rencontrer d'autres humains & des mutants "post-humains". Les rencontres avec des mutants peuvent laisser des cicatrices, & plus ils sont infectés, moins ils sont humains & plus ils deviennent post-humains. Vont-ils chercher à s'accrocher à leur humanité & courir vers la forteresse, pour gagner la partie ? Ou vont-ils céder à la mutation de plus en plus tentante, rejoindre les post-humains, et être victorieux sur le reste des humains ?

Card sleeves in this game Card sleeves in this game
30 cards of 63.5mm width and 88.0mm of height
1x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard (63,5 x 88 mm) (MDG7077)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (MDG7041)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Standard Size (63 x 88 mm)
1x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Standard Pro-Fit (64x89 mm) (82712)
Few copies
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Stardard (63.5 x 88 mm) (Green)
To Order
1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-7041)
1x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Card Game Card Sleeves (63.5x88mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
1x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (UPL-GREEN)
1x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7077)
1x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-GREEN)
1x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard (63.5 x 88 mm) (HMN-7041)
1x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Perfect size (63.5 x 88 mm) (DarkGreen)
To Order
334 cards of 44.0mm width and 68.0mm of height
7x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (MDG7080)
To Order
4x (100 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (MDG7035)
To Order
4x (100 Pcs) 100 Bustine Arcane Euro Small (44 x 68 mm)
To Order
7x (50 Pcs) 50 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Mini Euro Size (44x68 mm) (82661)
To Order
4x (100 Pcs) Sapphire: 100 Bustine Mini Euro (45 x 68 mm) (Azure)
To Order
7x (50 Pcs) edizioni: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-7080)
4x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-7035)
4x (110 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Mini Euro Card Sleeves (45x68mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
7x (55 Pcs) Sleeve Kings Mini Euro Card Sleeves (45x68mm) 55 Pack 90 Microns
To Order
5x (75 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (UPL-AZURE)
7x (50 Pcs) Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-7080)
5x (75 Pcs) Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-AZURE)
4x (100 Pcs) Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Mini EURO (45 x 68 mm) (HMN-7035)
Additional information Additional information
Categories: Adventure Dice Exploration Fighting
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 609456648714
In 9 wishlists In 5 collections This was seen 8042 times