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Shield Wall: Hastings 1066

A board game by Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher: White Dog Games
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Shield Wall: Hastings 1066
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Shield Wall is a low complexity wargame on the Battle of Hastings. The game uses traditional hex-and-counter mechanics to simulate the combat and emphasizes the ineffectual assault of Norman archers, the combination of Norman foot and cavalry units, and the defensive strength of the Saxon shield wall. The game also highlights the difficulty that the Saxon leaders keeping the shield wall intact. Saxon Units may involuntarily pursuit the Normans down the hill and lose their high-ground advantage after successfully causing the Norman units to route. The game features rules for demoralizing of the armies, rallying the troops, and Saxon reinforcements. Also included are optional rules for army fatigue which increases the difficulty for both players. The Saxon Player wins by holding the hill or eliminating the Norman king, William. The Norman player wins by taking the hill or killing the Saxon king, Harold. Either player can win by eliminating all units. The game features about 147 counters and a 22x17 inch gameboard.

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Mechanics: Hex-and-Counter
Categories: Medieval Print & Play War
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This was seen 825 times
Description Description

Shield Wall is a low complexity wargame on the Battle of Hastings. The game uses traditional hex-and-counter mechanics to simulate the combat and emphasizes the ineffectual assault of Norman archers, the combination of Norman foot and cavalry units, and the defensive strength of the Saxon shield wall. The game also highlights the difficulty that the Saxon leaders keeping the shield wall intact. Saxon Units may involuntarily pursuit the Normans down the hill and lose their high-ground advantage after successfully causing the Norman units to route. The game features rules for demoralizing of the armies, rallying the troops, and Saxon reinforcements. Also included are optional rules for army fatigue which increases the difficulty for both players. The Saxon Player wins by holding the hill or eliminating the Norman king, William. The Norman player wins by taking the hill or killing the Saxon king, Harold. Either player can win by eliminating all units. The game features about 147 counters and a 22x17 inch gameboard.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Hex-and-Counter
Categories: Medieval Print & Play War
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This was seen 825 times