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Zombicide: Undead or Alive

A board game by Raphaël Guiton Jean-Baptiste Lullien Nicolas Raoult
Publisher: Asmodee Italia
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Zombicide: Undead or Alive
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There’s plenty of things to test a person’s mettle out in the harsh Western territories. There are cattle rustlers trying to steal your stock. There are bandits looking to rob the 10:13 to Yuma. There’s all manner of critters and a desert environment looking to deal you the death card. Now, the recently-dead have started rising from prairie graves to assault the living. This town is turning into cowpies. Zombicide: Undead or Alive brings the Zombie-blasting action to an all-new era and location, bringing players to the middle of the mythical Old West. There’s new Survivor types like the Gunslinger, Brawler, Townsfolk, and Faithful, each with their own, unique rules. Then, of course, there’s plenty of Zombies to destroy. New game mechanics like Balconies and the Train will test players in new ways.

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Mechanics: Dice Rolling Modular Board Variable Player Powers
Categories: American Western Fighting Horror Miniatures
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 3558380097204
The item is in 1 cart In 1 collection
Description Description

There’s plenty of things to test a person’s mettle out in the harsh Western territories. There are cattle rustlers trying to steal your stock. There are bandits looking to rob the 10:13 to Yuma. There’s all manner of critters and a desert environment looking to deal you the death card. Now, the recently-dead have started rising from prairie graves to assault the living. This town is turning into cowpies. Zombicide: Undead or Alive brings the Zombie-blasting action to an all-new era and location, bringing players to the middle of the mythical Old West. There’s new Survivor types like the Gunslinger, Brawler, Townsfolk, and Faithful, each with their own, unique rules. Then, of course, there’s plenty of Zombies to destroy. New game mechanics like Balconies and the Train will test players in new ways.

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Dice Rolling Modular Board Variable Player Powers
Categories: American Western Fighting Horror Miniatures
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 3558380097204
The item is in 1 cart In 1 collection
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